We believe we can build a better future, together.

In recent years there has been an increase in public attention to environmental issues. Climate change is one of the greatest challenges facing the world.

Human activities are the main cause of global warming with greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions into the atmosphere.

In this context, the management of CO2 is no longer just an option, but one of the main points of corporate policy to be highlighted by means of certifications.

Many of you may have heard of the ISO 14064 Certification (GHG - Greenhouse Gas Emissions), but if not, the Sendo team will be happy to tell you what it is all about.

The ISO 14064 standard consists of a family of standards aimed at the assessment, management and certification of greenhouse gas emissions of Organisations. This certification gives us the opportunity to keep under control the so-called Greenhouse Gases that normally all organizations emit and to put in track plans of reduction or cancellation of the same ones above all in the emergent countries.


Eley, as a manufacturing company, has recently obtained ISO 14064 Certification (GHG - Greenhouse Gas Emissions), becoming a Carbon Neutral Company.


We have chosen to use 100% renewable energies obtained from photovoltaic panels and clean energy projects for our business and production activities to fully reduce and offset CO2 emissions.


Sendo has given real and concrete form to his commitment to the health of the planet, of nature and of the person, values that he represents.

Specifically, what are the two projects that Eley and Sendo have chosen to support to reduce their carbon footprint?


The first project to reduce or cancel greenhouse gas emissions is “waste HEAP Ukraine”.


Ukraine ranks first in Europe and eighth in the world in terms of geological reserves of fossil carbon, mainly produced, for almost 300 years, by mines. One of the world's largest carbon deposits is located in Donetsk Basin. The first project our company has chosen to support is the redevelopment of the Donbass region in Ukraine.


By supporting this project, we have contributed to the achievement of the following UN objectives for a better future:

  • Guaranteeing the availability and sustainable management of water and health and hygiene services for everyone
  • Adopting urgent measures to combat climate change and its consequences
  • The conservation and sustainable use of the oceans, seas and marine resources, for sustainable development
  • Blocking and turning around soil degradation and halting the loss of biodiversity


The second project Eley - and thus Sendo - chose to support in order to offset its carbon footprint is the construction of a greener India, through the use of innovative, sustainable products.

In this second project, carbon emissions were offset thanks to collaboration with an Indian food and agriculture company, a leading producer of sustainable Palm Oil.

By supporting this project, we have contributed to the achievement of the following UN objectives for a better future:

  • Putting an end to poverty in all its forms, everywhere
  • Putting an end to hunger, guaranteeing food security, improving nutrition and promoting sustainable agriculture
  • Guaranteeing inclusive education for everyone and promoting permanent, equal, quality learning opportunities
  • Guaranteeing the availability of accessible, reliable, sustainable, modern energy services for everyone
  • Promoting inclusive, sustained and sustainable economic growth, full, productive employment and decent work for everyone
  • Building solid infrastructures, promoting inclusive, sustainable industrialization and encouraging innovation

We believe that by working together to bring about positive change, we can gradually improve each other’s way of life in order to make the world a better place.


Discover all projects in Sendo Carbon Neutral page


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